Board Games

Magic The Gathering Part 1/2

Hi everyone!

When I was in secondary school all children play only one card games. This game was about monster, elements, enhancement, spell… It was Magic The Gathering! I will separate this games in two post, the first is about how prepare your first game and the second is going to be about how to play Magic The Gathering.

Why all children play this games? It is one of the first card games ever made. Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and other childish card games were based off of this. Magic is an easy game to learn but a hard game to master. It requires a little luck, a lot of strategy, and a good game plan. There are many different ways to play this game. I am going to explain the basic way to play Magic the Gathering.


  • Players: 2-2
  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Theme: Strategy, reflection, chance

The first step in playing Magic is finding a deck to play with. There are plenty of stores that sell decks ( look this post to know where: Where buy Board Game). There are 5 different colors to choose from. Black decks are used for destroying your opponent at the cost of your creatures or your life. Blue decks are used to counter spells and control your opponent. Red decks are used to deal a lot of direct damage to an opponent. White decks are used for defending. Green decks are used to get a lot of monsters out at once. The color is all personal preference.

The next step is to separate all your cards into different categories.  You should put your creatures, sorcery spells, enchantments, lands, and artifacts in different piles. You can tell the difference between the cards by the center of the card. If it is a sorcery, artifact, or enchantment spell then it will say sorcery in the middle of the card, and under it will be spell description. If it is a creature card then it will have 2 digits at the bottom right of the card. It will be in the form 2/2. Land cards will have land written in the middle of the card. A third of your deck or more should be lands.

Basic lands used for mana in Magic the Gathering.

Example of creature’s card.

With this base you have the mainstay of Magic The Gathering, in the next post I will explain to you how to play so stay online the post continue!

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